Whistleblowing channels of METKA ATE

METKA ATE (the company) encourages the use of the available corporate (internal) reporting channels to ensure timely review and appropriate management attention. The channels of METKA ATE can be accessed through the channels of the parent METLEN S.A..

Whistleblowing reports through the corporate whistleblowing channels, can be submitted by employees linked to the Company by any type of current, former, candidate employment relationship, as well as any person working under the supervision and direction of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of the Company.

Our company takes all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure Personal Data Protection, confidentiality, and protection of the whistleblowers from any form of retaliation under the conditions of the Greek laws 4990/2022 and 4808/2021.

The Whistleblowing procedure should not be abused with the submission of ill-considered accusations or personal complaints. To prevent the submission of malicious or unsubstantiated reports, sanctions may be imposed on employees who have acted in bad faith. In such cases, the laws on defamation in force in the countries where the Company operates shall apply.

What should be reported:

Topics that fall under the scope of the Greek Law L.4990/2022 (public procurement, financial services, products and markets, including the prevention of fraud, corruption and other illegal activities and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, product safety and compliance, transport safety, environmental protection, public health, consumer protection, protection of privacy and personal data, as well as the security of network and information systems, radiation protection and nuclear safety, food safety, animal health and welfare), issues affecting the financial interests of the Union, issues related to the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital, as well as issues concerning the Greek Law L.4808/2021 on the matters of Prevention and Combating Violence & Harassment at Work.

Available Channels to submit a Whistleblowing report.

  1. Report through the Whistleblowing Platform: https://METLEN.ethics.help/
  2. Send email to: METLEN[at]ethics.email (linked to the above Whistleblowing Platform anonymously, thus not revealing the whistleblower’s email address).
  3. Send a postal letter to METLEN S.A.: To the attention of the Compliance Director, 8 Artemidos Street, 151 25 Maroussi, Greece
  4. Through personal meeting with the Compliance Director of METLEN S.A.

The Whistleblower shall receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the report within seven days of its submission, as well as information on the actions taken by the competent bodies of the Company within three months of the submission of the report. Acknowledgments and updates are for reporting channels for which this is technically possible. For example in anonymous postal letters there is no possibility for any further information of the (unknown) Whistleblower.

The submission of Whistleblowing reports through the communication channels #1 & #2 takes place in an environment of complete confidentiality, and, at the choice of the Whistleblowers can be done anonymously. After submission through channel #1, the Whistleblower receives a unique identifier from the Whistleblowing platform so that he/she can later log into the virtual mailbox of the Whistleblowing platform and answer questions raised by the evaluation team or be informed about the progress of his/her report. Through channel #2, communication with the whistleblower is performed through email without disclosing the whistleblower’s email address to the Company.

Individuals may also submit reports to external whistleblowing channels operated by the National Transparency Authority (NTA) as per law 4990/2022. https://aead.gr/submit-complaint



METKA ATE will claim a large share of the market for infrastructure projects that will be auctioned in the coming years, while it is already strategically positioned to properly utilize the opportunities that are opening both in Greece and internationally.

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